Saturday, February 18, 2012


Something I wrote to share with all of you.

 All these beautiful things that we see from day to day.From a slight
speck of dust upon a petal of a small flower struggling for sunlight in
the misty dawn. It struggles and sometimes we do not see it. But all
around us are stories that we do not see. We are part of a timeless
moment..something that touches us all and yet we do not always see

it.Nor are we always aware of its loving touch. Attempting to guide us
down a path in our growth of spirit. There is such beautiful joy in
these moments when we finally open our eyes and see beyond our own small
existence. When we see beyond the small wanderings that become day to
day monotony among our peers..or so we think they are. Yet within each
of them is a story of lost passion of forgotten interests. Things that
sparked within them and then sometimes blossomed and struggled to life
and became more than we could have imagined in the first place. Then
there are those whose struggle did not light up like a small flame to
fan that gray creativity in our spirits. Among us lay these realms
that we do not see and yet we are not blind to them ..not really. We
could see them if we cleared our eyes of the fog of consuming things
that do not matter. Making sure that we are stationed in a particular
place to watch pixilated movements upon a screen that lack that spark.
That drain from us that which makes us such noble creatures of light.
That soul that we garner sometimes becomes more.

There is a greatness within everyone..within everything..predestined is
how i see it. There is a joy to behold in a simple walk and looking out
onto the horizon. Do not let yourself become numb and blinded by
miniscule things that matter not. Do not let your eyes and desire become
foggy by the repetitive motions of others that have become blinded to
the daily routine and not open to anything.But seeing you attempt to fly
and catching you before you fall. You were not going to fall You were
about to become grace were taking those steps to leap up
and out towards your dreams streaming in front of you. You can see
them...breathe them in and let life flow within.Let nothing hold you
back. Listen not to the daily diatribes of beings too cluttered with
decay to know true life when they see it. They are shackled with chains
of conformity and destined to be nothing but a figurehead on a
beast.Sucking  life from us until we are diseased.

Look up into the sky and notice the spiraling love and beauty to be
found there. That universal light is inside of you if you can only open
your eyes to see it. You are capable of things.You can help those
falling and lift them up.Instead of gathering with people you think to
be friends and join in their suffering. Take a chance and let yourself the wounded and comfort those sick of the world. Sometimes a
hand held out can help one from dying.Your choices can remove suffering
from those people.

The life you have been given is precious and you must rise to the
position that you were meant for. Do not cloud yourself with television
as it sucks your attention and potential like it was drinking your very
light.Do not dull yourself with drinks day after day. Covering yourself
in fabric that somehow has meaning simply because it bears a name of
someone that has done nothing for you or this world save simply taking
your money.Do not witness suffering in what you consume and allow it to
continue. Simply because something has always been done a certain
way..painted with a brush ..making strokes that you know does not make
it right nor something that is sustainable.The only way it remains alive
is through you giving it a part of yourself.

The amazing thing is this when you look to the ghosts of your past you
know what you have done and what you should have done. Do not hang your
head in defeat. Let yourself shine and look forward knowing what you now
know and be at peace.There is always a new day to wake up to and try
again to connect with yourself,with this world,with the people in
it,with your kindness,with a chance you did take. Not turning away once
and instead lending a hand.

You are so small in this world and in this universe and yet you are in a
world where there are many paths that can be taken and you pick
one..this does not mean that you cannot change. This does not mean you
cannot break free. This does not mean that you are something to be
ashamed of. You can change this.You have this amazing power and you can
use it. You have the power to stand and say No! I will not be another
cog in the machine. I will be free and there will be love in this world
not blind acceptance. I will be strong for those that cannot be. I will
see the good in others and bring it out of them.I will help those
trembling inside to take that tentative step forward.I will be the
divine being I am and have always been. I can make a change and forge
love and beauty and divinity into this world.

We are not dying..we will never go into that night peacefully. We will
stand for what is right. The blind can see. The sick can be healed and
there can be such changes in this world that nobody will understand at
first but we are awakening.We cannot sit and wither into this earth and
accept our chains.. we are free beings. We are love. We are divine and
we will conquer the apathy,the hatred,the unconscionable,the tragic,the
fear, and the pain.

We will and we can...take my hand and let me help show you the way.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Facial Lines and Their Stories

Let me tell you a little something about the author if i may. She is a bit of a recluse but once meeting
people she opens up and is quite genial. There may be emotions crossing her face at times and sometimes it is pain. In fact quite often it is pain. Mainly physical pain for which she is thankful to be able to manage thanks to her local GP. But it does weigh heavily on her at times. Having to put on a brave face.

But then don't we all do this upon leaving the house? We develop our walls of protection called a mask by some and by others a charming smile. Reading ancient history books I have found that this look is oftentimes that of a courtier. One of charm and civility and underneath lurking so many hidden things.

Now upon looking at anyones face you can see the tell tale signs of roads they have traveled upon
lightly, some carefree explorations and some trepidations although they might just do it again if given a chance. Some wear the hardships of the world upon their face. Within the furrows of their brows can be seen either the close inspection of life whereupon they examined it with intrigue or curiosity. Other times those furrows could indicate pain and a life filled with many toils.

Some people seem to lighten up at the appearance of someone that crosses their path because they know them and love them. Sometimes they are just having a good day and somehow cannot hide this happiness or contentment from the world and it shines through. I imagine being a guard at the palace where I traditionally am not supposed to show any emotional response. How hard that must be to stand there if you have just heard some delightful news. Perhaps your wife had your child. Perhaps you even held the baby in your arms and finally recognized a tiny piece of the universe you are now creating and growing and your line ..your history right before your eyes. Perhaps you just learned that someone close to you is terminally ill. All so many things that you could be feeling and yet stand you must. Upright and gallant even. Straightforward and stiff. The stiff upper lip i think.

Sometimes walking down the street I see children passing and on their faces seems a difficulty in hiding their feelings. But then they have not had enough occasions to have to learn the fine art of concealing one's feelings. They are free to show childlike delight at simple things. They wander in their own world and we generally as adults let them. We give them that freedom. Do we do it out of love? Knowingly? Do we do it perhaps because we know as adults how hard it can be.To have the freedom to just love and enjoy things should be a right. Maybe we as adults know this.

I think it should be a right. I think as human beings we should not be afraid to show childish delight at the raindrops as they fall. At the sunlight streaming through the windows of our homes. To see that ray of light hitting upon the shining fur of our well loved pets. To see their eyes look at us and know that they are our companions and smile because of it. To have those that posses our hearts walk through the doorway and our whole faces light up and sometimes we jump up into their arms and kiss them. Suddenly the world narrowing to a point where all you see is them.

To love, to share joys, to cling together during hardships. To kiss our wounds or wounded loved ones. To touch and attempt to heal with this. To hug one another. To skip along the road or dance to a song. Expressing with fingertips and hips and bodies made of lightness of being. As we try to describe without bodies what the sounds confer to us. What gifts they have given to us. To share all of these things.. all and anything that feels and shows emotions we have a right to it. If you are angry of course express it and try ..try hard to  not let it overtake you. Try to direct it towards resolution. Yes I know that can be difficult at times. Yes I know how hard it can be to forgive but you should. Perhaps you cannot forget and maybe that is a good thing. So you can remember and be prepared should whatever it is show up again.

 But never allow anger to own you. Never allow it to leave it's mark upon your beautiful soul. For you whoever you are reading this have a beautiful soul. In there is this amazing gift. The gift to forgive and learn and smile and find joy and grow and champion a cause. To shelter the weak from the brutalities of this world. To see with your eyes what others try and hide. Perhaps it is a hurt? IF you can see it maybe you can find a bandage to help them. We all of us.. ALL OF US... have the power to change this world. We have a chance while we breathe air to send out feelers. Sometimes we may feel pain. Sometimes we may find a joy beyond compare. Sometimes we may discover a beautiful side to someone we called friend.

These lines on our faces.This author used to fight them. She used to think that there was nothing to smile about. That all that was left to her was dissolution and pain. She thought she would die alone. She was so wrong. Her life has been filled with gifts beyond compare. She has found comforts she never knew existed. Let alone be worthy of receiving. She has an expanse of amazing life standing there in front of her. So now she wears her wrinkles with pride. She is getting laugh lines. They are there! It is exciting. She has reasons to laugh now and smile. She awakens to a beautiful new world every day and is so incredibly thankful for all of it.

So my advice to you is this. Let the world in a little bit. Smile at a random stranger even if they think
you are a loony bird. *laughs*  Do it anyway. Share the joy that is life! Share the bliss that is just
breathing sometimes. Sometimes when you eat say a quiet thank you. Thank the waiter. If you can manage it wander back towards the kitchen and say thank you to the staff. They may think you mad but do it anyway. Whenever you see a cashier and she looks stressed out tell her something kind and nice about herself. Validate people and show them how you see them. Never forget to say thank you to people most forget. Write a letter, pick up the phone but whatever you it with love and compassion. Thank you for reading.